Ante Up! HIGH CARD Season 2 Episode 8 Gambles On Viewers’ Free Time

Ante Up! HIGH CARD Season 2 Episode 8 Gambles On Viewers’ Free Time

The high stakes gambling anime “HIGH CARD” is set to return for its Sunday night addiction, with the over-the-top madness that is Season 2, Episode 8 airing February 26th at 7PM (Indian Standard Time).

Crazy barely begins to describe the escalating action fans have witnessed over the course of HIGH CARD’s nascent series run. Following master-deck builder Kakeru Yuito in a competition where victory and defeat are determined by games using tricked-out playing cards, the show serves viewers fortune and folly in spades (pun intended).

Season 1’s climax saw Kakeru enter the high risk, high reward world of underground card gaming to evolve his own deck, the Skull Spades, beyond anything the competitive circuit had ever seen before. Last episode continued that descent with Skull Spades taking on the sinister Jailhouse Rock deck, pushing Kakeru to embrace ever greater gambles to raise the stakes.

Now with Episode 8, diehard fans are dying to know – how much deeper can HIGH CARD go before hitting rock bottom? Kakeru has sacrificed money, morals and even friends chasing the ultimate deck and the series has gleefully upped the ante right alongside him. So settle in Sunday evening with a drink in one hand and cards in the other, the only sure bet is Episode 8 is holding some wild cards that will force Kakeru to lay more than his money down if he wants to stay in the HIGH CARD game.

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